Rittal Blog

Big data becomes huge data. What it means for IT enclosure design.

Written by Rittal North America LLC | Mar 31, 2015 3:44:00 PM

It’s tough for data center engineers and designers to manage the impact of Big Data and the resulting rapid growth in data centers that’s creating. Traditional data centers are giving way to new IT spaces, and that’s creating demand for different approaches to IT enclosure design.

It’s tough for data center engineers and designers to manage the impact of Big Data and the resulting rapid growth in data centers that’s creating. Traditional data centers are giving way to new IT spaces, and that’s creating demand for different approaches to IT enclosure design.

Herb Villa, Rittal Corporation’s IT Solutions Engineer, created a presentation to describe Rittal’s Modular IT strategy for enclosure design. He was asked to present it at the 2015 Data Center World Global Conference.

“As Big Data becomes Huge Data, bringing the Internet of Things to our businesses, IT executives will be exposed to many overlapping terms and phrases while the industry tries to define what the next IT space should look like,” explained Villa. “Any company planning their path through the data center revolution should make sure it’s an evolutionary process and that they take the time to define the technological components deployed at these new sites.”

Villa’s seminar outlines the new definitions planners need to know, along with the new standards and facility requirements. He includes a section on performance metrics and regulatory requirements, all with the intent to create a foundation for defining the new and expanding IT space as it migrates away from the traditional data center.

“I hear IT managers struggle to balance seemingly warring corporate interests: security, complexity, flexibility, scalability and costs,” Villa said. “That’s a tall order, so we work with our IT data center customers to help them answer a series of questions they have to define right from the start of designing the new facility:

● How can I manage constantly increasing complexity?

● How can I ensure the availability of my IT services?

● How can I react to the changing demands of internal and external customers?

● What concrete measures can I take to combat increasing costs?

Contact Rittal to get a copy of Villa’s presentation materials, or to schedule a meeting to learn more: customerservice@rittal.us , or call (800) 477-4000.