Product certifications and approvals are pivotal to the global acceptance of industrial products. Rittal products meet the highest internationally recognized quality standards. All components are subjected to the most stringent testing in accordance with international standards and regulations.
Consistently high product quality is ensured by a comprehensive quality management system. Regular production inspections by external test institutes also guarantee compliance with global standards. Precise details of the test symbols allocated to our products can be found in a variety of places:
Start with our catalogs and brochures.
Approved symbols are also displayed on the rating plates or products as proof of the approvals and licenses.
Copies of these license badges or test certificates are also available directly from your personal Rittal advisor.
Additional tests conducted at our own accredited laboratories, such as the mechanical load-bearing capacity of enclosures, are published in our own load capacity brochures. These brochures contain detailed information to assist you with the use of Rittal products. Copies of this documentation are likewise available from your Rittal advisor.
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Want to find out more about the customization and control provided by Rittal? Check out our free enclosures climate control white paper.